The Social Epistemology Network was brought into existence by some of the leading researchers in the field. It provides a platform for cooperation and exchange among researchers interested in social aspects of knowledge -- its acquisition, storage, transmission, and evaluation.  Relevant topics include testimony, trust, disagreement, expertise, (social approaches to) epistemic norms and epistemic normativity, the epistemology of speech acts, epistemic justice, the epistemology of social networks, epistemological issues regarding the internet (e.g. epistemology of search, epistemology of Wikipedia, epistemological dimensions of the human-computer interface, epistemology of LLMs, etc.), epistemology of journalism,  epistemology of science, political epistemology (epistemology of democracy, social choice,  epistemic demands on citizens), collective and group epistemology, forms of socioepistemic dysfunction (polarization, epistemic bubbles, groupthink, testimonial and/or hermeneutical injustice, etc),  and norms of (group) inquiry. ​

Steering Committee:
Mark Alfano (Macquarie University)
Monika Betzler (Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich)
Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania)
Jessica Brown (St. Andrews)
David Christensen (Brown University) ​
David Coady (University of Tasmania)
Hiaxin Dang (Case Western Reserve University)
Emmalon Davis (University of Michigan)
Kristie Dotson (University of Michigan)
Kenny Easwaran (University of California-Irvine)
David Enoch (Oxford University/Hebrew University) ​
Don Fallis (Northeastern University) ​
Paul Faulkner (University of Sheffield)
Elizabeth Fricker (Oxford University)
Miranda Fricker (NYU)
Jane Friedman (NYU)
Jie Gao (Zhejiang University)
Axel Gelfert (TU Berlin)
Sandy Goldberg (Northwestern University)
Peter J. Graham (University of California-Riverside) ​
John Greco (Georgetown University)
Thomas Grundmann (University of Cologne)
Michael Hannon (University of Nottingham)
David Henderson (University of Nebraska)
Klemens Kappel (University of Copenhagen) ​
Christoph Kelp (University of Glasgow)
Kareem Khalifa (UCLA)
Melissa Koenig (University of Minnesota)
Quill R Kukla (Georgetown University)
Martin Kusch (University of Vienna)
Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University)
Helene Landemore (Yale University)
Neil Levy (Macquarie University)
Michael Lynch (University of Connecticut)
Jack Lyons (University of Glasgow)
Ishani Maitra (University of Michigan)
Veli Mitova (University of Johannesburg)
Gloria Origgi (EHESS - CNRS, Paris)
Nikolaj Pederson (Yonsei University)
Andrew Peet (University of Leeds)
Fabienne Peter (University of Warwick)
Duncan Pritchard (University of California-Irvine)
Fred Schmitt (Indiana University)
Mona Simion (University of Glasgow) ​
Judith Simon (University of Hamburg)
Daniel Singer (University of Pennsylvania)
Paulina Sliwa (University of Vienna)
Miriam Solomon (Temple University)
Dan Sperber (Institut Jean Nicod/Central European University)
Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt University)
Mike Titelbaum (University of Wisconsin) ​
Elise Woodard (King's College London)
Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon University)